This course is a NCCA-accredited personal trainer certification which will provide you with the most scientifically accurate information and training to become the best, most respected, and knowledgeable fitness trainer.   

About This Course

Become a Certified Personal Trainer from the world’s most trusted source of fitness training.     

The course will also give students transferable skills which will enable them to run a fitness-based business and tools which can be applied to any industry.    

Once completed you will receive certification that you have achieved the required skills needed to be successful in any fitness position allowing you the highest chance of success in your future career. There will be many paths you can choose as a certified fitness professional!

What you will learn


Final Exam

There are 120 test questions. Of those, 20 are research questions that do not count toward or against your final score. You must pass with a scaled score of 70% or better. You will have 2 hours to complete the exam.

Practical Exam

You will be given a list of videos to record displaying the skills and techniques you would have learnt on the course.

Register now to enroll on this course